For 15 years of operation, the “Dali” marketing center has gone through fire and water! Here are some effective tips for you:
- Analytics first! The numbers show the results of the work done – study it.
- Division of duties. Each person must perform the work assigned to him by specialization.
- Experiment. Nothing is perfect, especially in business – check your own assumptions and find the best option for you.
- Keep up with others! Follow the marketing trends, they change every day.
- Do not skimp on quality. The miser pays twice. In marketing, this rule actually always works.
- Demonstrate the results of your work.
- Set the bar. Do not start work if the conditions do not justify your work.
- Secretly, almost no one reads long posts, but hey.
- We have provided you with simple but effective tips for productive work. Use them and remember that marketing is the engine of the 21st century! Especially in “Dali” Become our clients – and see for yourself in our expertise now!