The main goal for us was to get as many requests from potential customers by phone or sending forms.
Spent on advertising: UAH 2,455.88.

The results obtained:
phone clicks (calls): 45
sent forms: 11
Total number of received requests from potential clients: 56
The average cost of one received request from a potential client: UAH 43.86.

To achieve this goal, we have used the following types of advertising campaigns in Google Ads:
- Search advertising campaigns
- Smart Campaigns
We chose search engines because they can give you the most conversions compared to other Google Ads tools. The ads appear in Google search and direct the potential customer to a specific page of the site depending on the search query he enters, which helps the site visitor to make faster decisions without making additional efforts to find the right site.
We chose smart as an additional complementary tool. Her ads appear on Google search, Google Maps, YouTube, Gmail, and Google’s partner sites, and direct potential customers to the site’s homepage. The big advantage of this type of advertising campaign is that its ads can be displayed simultaneously with the ads of the search campaign on one search page, which significantly increases the chances of being selected by a potential customer. Also, its ads allow you to make calls without going to the site and show the address of the company in the ad itself.