The visual perception of your page or profile is the main thing and the first thing that subscribers look at. It is at first glance that they draw a conclusion about the profile as a whole. Therefore, the style, pictures, angles and text need to be well thought out, and then posted.
A visually stylish profile attracts world groups and publics from aesthetics and visuals – they repost themselves and hundreds and millions of people see your photo. Trendy photos scatter on the social network instantly.
We have prepared for you a sample of the work of our designer. The client’s desire was to create a beautiful page visual to attract a larger audience of faces and increase the page rank. Mission accomplished! Scroll through the “before” and “after” photos. Do you see a difference? After the high-quality design of the page, the number of customers has grown, as now the overall look is more prestigious and interesting.

Everyone can follow fashion trends on Instagram, because it is not so difficult, but not everyone can make their own quality product, adhering to all the rules. To get unique content that other bloggers will watch, read and post, you need to learn and develop your own sense of style.
Keep track of popular filters and other processing programs.
Try to make your posts have less pretense and falsehood, but more sincerity and life.
The Instagram visual is your calling card that characterizes your world.
If you are still unable to design the visual page of the site on your own, then you can contact the DALI marketing center, where they will prepare a special layout that meets all the requirements of popularity. The specialists of our company will not only make the general visual of the page, but will also help in its promotion and brand development.